9.75 X 6.88 X 2" $300
Blue-Eyed MayBird
by Doré
This is a whimsical composition, which I was delighted to create.
It began with the well-worn carpet sweeper brush on the right--a gift from
a (well-worn) friend.
The bird is some sort of electrical part, enhanced by an eye of
bright blue paint. I rarely care what an "element" in my boxes originally
was, or what was its purpose. If the object serves in my finished design, I
am satisfied with it as "art material."
Other bits of art material are a small grill at the base of the
box, my frequently employed ivory-like triangles, and two cream coloured
napkin rings.
What is it all about, you ask? Capturing a moment of joy, one in
which you can almost hear the bird singing. May it bring a smile to your
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